2019 Festival Schedule
Wednesday – July 17 | Free Admission
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
“Out to Lunch” at Caras Park
Sponsored by the City of Missoula
Performances by:
Eller Girls´ Choir, Estonia
Daarler Vocal Consort, Germany
Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Language Primary School Children’s Choir, China
Pedavoces, Finland
Veus – Cor infantil Amics de la Unió, Catalonia/Spain
Sunday Night Singers, United States, California
Pannon Children’s Choir, Hungary
Batavia Madrigal Singers, Indonesia
University of Montana Chamber Chorale, Missoula, Montana
Sweet Adelines, Missoula, Montana
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Choir Crawl
Click here to see full choir crawl schedule
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Youth Concert with the Missoula City Band at Bonner Park
Performances by:
The Missoula City Band – Gary Gillett, Conductor
Pannon Children’s Choir – Hungary
Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Language Primary School Children’s Choir, China
Boys’ Choir DAGILĖLIS – Lithuania
Phoenix Girls Chorus Cantabile – United States, Arizona
Veus – Cor infantil Amics de la Unió – Catalonia/Spain
Thursday, July 18th | Admission with Festival Button
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Choral Music From Around the World
at the UM Music Recital Hall
Developing Emotionality and Improvisation in Choir
Presenter: Remigijus Adomaitis, Lithuania
This presentation will demonstrate the importance of understanding the underlying emotions of the song. When we change our expressions trying to show a certain emotion, we affect our entire body which consequentially conveys that emotion as well. Besides the emotion given by the composer, the conductor also brings her or his interpretation of the song through hand movements, facial expressions and body language. The choir is a big, living organism that feels the conductor’s emotions and reflects that energy to the viewer or audience. The movement can be included in the improvisation as well.
Choir and Movement
Presenter: Josep Vila Jover, Catalonia/Spain
In this seminar we’ll try to explain our way to understand the choral singing, what is our philosophy of movement and body expression. How through the body and the voice we try to express the same message to the audience who is listening to us. We’ll show the different steps we follow from the beginning, from when we start to read a sheet of music, until we add it to a concert
World Voices Concerts/Afternoon Concerts
This concert sponsored by US Bank and Pete and Gingy Heyler
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Performances | UM Music Recital Hall:
Estonia – Eller Girls’ Choir
Germany – Daarler Vocal Consort
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Performances | Dennison Theatre:
USA, California – Sunday Night Singers
China – Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Language Primary School Children’s Choir
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Performances | Dennison Theatre:
USA, Phoenix, Arizona – Pheonix Girls Chorus Cantabile
Finland – Pedavoces
World Voices Concerts/Evening Concerts
This concert sponsored by Northwestern Energy and Pete and John & Sue Talbot
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Performances | UM Recital Hall:
Hungary – Pannon Children’s Choir
USA, Missoula – University of Montana Chamber Chorale
Catalonia/Spain – Veus – Cor Infantil Amics de la Unió
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Performances | Denison Theatre:
Estonia – Eller Girls’ Choir
Lithuania – Boys’ DAGILĖLIS
Finland – Pedavoces
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Performances | St. Anthony Parish:
Germany – Daarler Vocal Consort
USA, California – Sunday Night Singers
Indonesia – Batavia Madrigal Singers
Friday, July 19th | Admission with Festival Button
World Voices Concerts/Afternoon Concerts
This concert sponsored by Good Food Store and Jim & Marci Valeo
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Performances | Music Recital Hall:
China – Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Language Primary School Children’s Choir
Lithuania – Boys’ DAGILĖLIS
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Performances | Dennison Theatre:
Catalonia/Spain – Veus – Cor infantil Amics de la Unió
Germany – Daarler Vocal Consort
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Performances | Dennison Theatre:
Indonesia – Batavia Madrigal Singers
USA, Missoula – University of Montana Chamber Chorale
World Voices Concerts/Evening Concerts
This concert sponsored by the Missoulian and Kimberly Roth
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Performances | Music Recital Hall:
USA, California – Sunday Night Singers
Germany – Daarler Vocal Consort
Indonesia – Batavia Madrigal Singers
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Performances | Dennison Theatre:
Hungary – Pannon Children’s Choir
China – Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Language Primary School Children’s
Estonia – Eller Girls’ Choir
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Performances | St. Anthony Parish:
Finland – Pedavoces
USA, Arizona – Phoeniz Girls Chorus Cantabile
Catalonia/Spain – Veus – Cor infantil Amics de la Unió
Saturday, July 20th | Admission with Festival Button
Finale Concert
This concert sponsored by First Security Bank and Key Cassens
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Parade of Nations Finale Concert | Adams Center, University of MT Campus:
The Finale concert will feature the pageantry of the “Parade of Nations,” a choral welcome by the Missoula Mendelssohn Club under the direction of Dean Peterson, and a brief performance by each choir. It will conclude with a performance by the International Massed Festival Chorus, under the direction of guest conductors: Ron Wilcott, Dean Peterson, Don Carey and ICF Artistic Director, David Heidel.
Open seating – doors open at 6 pm
Master of Ceremonies: Ian Marquand
UM Celebration Brass Quintet: Nick Barr and Skyler Genazzi, trumpets; Olivia Quintero, horn; Lexi Vine, trombone; Paul Bruce, tuba
Missoula Mendelssohn Club
Hungary – Pannon Children’s Choir
United States, Arizona – Phoenix Girls Chorus Cantabile
Germany – Daarler Vocal Consort
China – Shenzhen Yantian Foreign Language Primary School Children Choir
United States, California – Sunday Night Singers
Lithuania – Boys’ Choir DAGILĖLIS
Finland – Pedavoces
Missoula, Montana – University of Montana Chamber Chorale
Estonia – Eller Girls’ Choir
Indonesia – Batavia Madrigal Singer
Catalonia/Spain – Veus – Cor infantil Amics de la Unió
Accompanist: Diana Pacini Bauer
Guest Local choirs: Dolce Canto, Missoula Community Chorus, Missoula Mendelssohn Club, Missoula Symphony Chorale, and Sweet Adelines.
“Ave verum corpus” (K.618) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (conducted by Don Carey)
“Musikantenkanon” – Jens Rohwer (conducted by Dean Peterson)
“Dona nobis pacem” – traditional round (conducted by Ron Wilcott) – sung by festival choir and audience
“Auld Lang Syne” (“Times Gone By”) – Scottish folk song (Conducted by David Heidel)
The traditional International Choral Festival closing song. Audience participation is welcomed!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet For auld lang syne